What are the Neurofeedback side effects?
Neurofeedback is a therapy used to train the brain to perform the regulated functions. This technique involves using electroencephalography (EEG) to analyze the brain’s activity and then provide the training accordingly. Individuals suffering from common mental health issues can get lasting relief from the symptoms and their effects with the help of neurofeedback therapy. However, if you are one of them and thinking about taking this therapy, then you should first be familiar with the neurofeedback side effects. This article is a complete guide for you as you can learn what neurofeedback is and what the side effects are. Moreover, you will also determine how to overcome the side effects of Neurofeedback if any occur.
What is Neurofeedback?
Neurofeedback is a common therapeutic technique that retrains the brain to produce the desired brain waves or significantly alter the activity of brain wave patterns. Brain waves play a significant role in controlling all brain functions. They control the consciousness and regulate arousal and other essential functions. If the positive brain waves are produced optimally, your brain can function effectively, and you think, feel, and behave appropriately. However, if the brain waves are not optimal, then they can resolve the various mental health issues. Fortunately, neurofeedback therapy is a perfect solution to address all mental health concerns. Although neurofeedback therapy is safe, in some individuals, minimal or no side effects of Neurofeedback can occur.
What conditions can benefit from Neurofeedback?
Individuals can experience multiple mental health issues that can be treated with the help of neurofeedback therapy, such as:
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
- Post-traumatic stress disorder
- Panic attacks
- Insomnia
- Phobia disorders
- Seizures
How does a Neurofeedback therapy session work?
Neurofeedback therapy is an evidence-based therapeutic approach to deal with common mental health issues. With the help of neurofeedback therapy, individuals can take control of their brains to experience the desired activity. Neurofeedback teaches individuals to produce different types of brain waves depending on the situation they are dealing with. For example, if a person is suffering from anxiety or depression, then the brain is trained to produce alpha waves, which control the anxious state of the brain.
During the neurofeedback therapy sessions, a helmet-shaped device with electrodes is used. These electrodes are attached to the scalp to record the brain’s activity. As the neurofeedback device starts working, individuals are engaged in any activity. Some watch their favorite series and listen to music or sound. During this, neurofeedback experts analyze the brain’s activity, and the brain waves are recorded on the software, which is then analyzed.
Positive and Negative Reinforcement
If the patient’s brain generates the desired type of brain waves, it results in positive reinforcement, such as an increase in the screen’s brightness.
However, if this does not occur, the negative reinforcement reduces the intensity of light or dimming of the light.
What are the types of Brainwaves produced by the brain?
The following are the different types of brain waves which have varied functions such as:
Alpha waves
Alpha waves are produced when a person is in a relaxed state. Their frequency is 8 to 13 Hz.
Beta waves
Beta waves, in the 13 to 30 Hz range, control the ability to focus and concentrate.
Delta waves
Delta waves are produced when the person is sleeping. The frequency of delta waves is up to 3hz.
Gamma waves
When a person performs any strenuous activity, beta waves are produced, such as during problem-solving or logical thinking. Gamma waves are in the range of 30 to 100 Hz.
Is Neurofeedback Therapy Safe?
Yes. Neurofeedback therapy is safe for all individuals, including children and adults. It is a noninvasive approach that does not involve the use of medications. It simply consists of measuring brain activity.
What are the side effects of Neurofeedback?
The most common side effects of neurofeedback therapy are as follows:
Most individuals experience fatigue during therapy sessions. This mainly occurs due to fluctuations in the speed of brainwaves. However, fatigue also vanishes as soon as the session ends.
If the neurofeedback experience trains only a specific brain region, it can reduce head pressure, which in turn causes headaches. However, fatigue and headaches also end after the neurofeedback therapy session.
Reduced energy levels
Some patients report low energy levels during hyperactivity treatment. However, this indicates that therapy is working well and generating positive outcomes.
Muscle tension
Muscle stiffness or tension occurs when experts inappropriately implement the therapy. Due to the high frequency of certain brain waves, some individuals experience muscle tension as a side effect of neurofeedback therapy.
Some individuals feel dizzy during and after the neurofeedback session due to undesired alterations in the frequency of brain waves.
Most people feel nervous and anxious when electrodes are attached to the scalp. Therefore, anxiety is one of the common side effects of neurofeedback therapy. However, anxiety disappears after the completion of the neurofeedback session.
Social anxiety
Those individuals who have a previous history of anxiety also reported elevated anxiety in social gatherings after the sessions.
Brain fog
Brain fog is also a side effect of neurofeedback therapy. In this condition, individuals struggle to focus or concentrate and experience blurred thoughts.
Although neurofeedback therapy is helpful for the treatment of depression, in some cases, depression occurs as a side effect of neurofeedback treatment. This happens due to an increase in the speed of brain waves, which have lower frequency. However, depressive symptoms are also temporary.
Cognitive issues
If non-trained professionals perform the neurofeedback therapy, then it can cause cognitive impairments.
This state involves the disconnection from the mind and soul.
Can Neurofeedback Damage Your Brain?
There is no scientific evidence that neurofeedback therapy damages the brain. Although there are a few side effects of Neurofeedback, they are not harmful to the extent that they can damage the brain. Moreover, all the risks associated with Neurofeedback can be presented with the help of trained and skilled professionals. Therefore, individuals should get professional help from many professional neurofeedback experts to prevent their brains from all complications.
What Can You Do To Minimize Side Effects of Neurofeedback?
The side effects of neurofeedback treatment can be reduced or prevented with the help of the following ways:
Select the professional expert
If you are taking neurofeedback therapy from a professional, you can protect your mind from all its side effects. Therefore, always try to find the best professional who results in positive outcomes.
Communicate with experts
If you are unfamiliar with any side effects of Neurofeedback, ask your expert to guide you accordingly. Moreover, if you feel any strange situation during the neurofeedback session, you can also tell the experts so they can take preventive measures early.
Practice self-care
It would help if you also focused on your daily routine and habitually exercised daily to strengthen your mind. Likewise, focus on your diet and sleep schedule so your brain stays relaxed and robust and is secure from the side effects of neurofeedback therapy.
Find professional mental health support at Advanced Health Preference Group!
Advanced Health Preference Group is committed to ensuring the well-being of each individual. If you or any loved one you know is suffering from any common mental health issue such as anxiety, depression, etc, then you can get our professional assistance. We have the top experts who can help you in getting rid of all your mental health issues. We have different therapeutic programs for individuals, such as neurofeedback therapy. Our neurofeedback experts employ Neurofeedback as an ideal way to treat mental health issues so that each person lives with supreme joy and cognitive potential.
1. Does neurofeedback therapy have any lasting effects?
Yes. The effects of neurofeedback therapy persist for a more extended period.
2. Are there any side effects of Neurofeedback therapy?
The common adverse side effects of neurofeedback therapy include dizziness, muscle tension, fatigue, anxiety, depression, and depersonalization.
3. Will Neurofeedback Affect My Personality?
No. Neurofeedback can not change personality as it simply involves the development of neural pathways that significantly affect the brain’s health.
4. Is brain location linked with risks?
During neurofeedback therapy, specific brain regions are targeted to increase or decrease the frequency of brain waves. Some regions exhibit more side effects than others. Therefore, experts carefully select the locales that generate the desired outcomes.