Top 7 Group therapy games for teens
Group therapy is a premier solution for teenagers who are battling with mental health issues. With the help of group therapy, teenagers not only share their experiences but also learn from each other about how they can address their mental health concerns. If group therapy incorporates some fun activities, it can help teenagers more to overcome their mental issues in a fun and interesting way.
Top 7 Fun Group Therapy Activities for Teens
The following are the top 7 fun group therapy games for teens are as follows:
Mindful coloring
Coloring is always recommended by experts to relax their anxious minds. For teenagers, mindful coloring is extremely effective as coloring can make their brains calm and relaxed and help them enjoy the present moment. Due to the relaxed state, their brain also produces positive thoughts and emotions. Moreover, they also learn different skills and strategies to avoid negative thoughts and their linked consequences.
Two Truths and a Lie
Truth and Lie is another major group therapy game for teens as it helps them know each other. During this game, each teenager is asked to share three statements. Among them, two are true, while one is false. Then, other group members are invited to guess which statement is based on fact and which is a lie. Through their participation, they also develop trust and confidence in each other.
The Name Game
This group therapy game is useful for those teenagers who cannot share their emotions and thoughts. Each group member is asked to share a word using the first letter of their name to describe their personality. Each group member does this in turn and discusses the words and their meanings.
Collaborative Drawing
Collaborative drawing is ideal for enhancing communication skills. As the name indicates, this group therapy game involves drawing games together. Initially, one member makes a drawing and then passes the drawing to other members, who then add something to the drawing. Drawing can be anything, like a cartoon or any image. So, great members get to know each other and build a strong community.
Snowball Fight
With the help of Snowball, individuals break down all the emotional barriers and get close to each other. This game involves a snowball fight after making the snowballs. Each group member writes their thoughts and emotions on paper and then crumples them to form a snowball. Then they pass the Snowball to each other in back-and-forth directions; after that, they open it and read the content.
Feelings Jenga
This group therapy game for teens is linked with emotions. This involves the Jenga tower, which has different blocks. On each block, other feelings are written, which include happy, sad, or excited. Each member is asked to pull out the block and share a personal experience related to that feeling or emotion. With this, they develop emotional awareness and exhibit empathetic behavior.
Pass the Drawing
Passing the drawing is valuable for developing creative skills and improving communication. First, any member makes a drawing and then shares the drawing paper with others. Then, each member adds a drawing and shows their drawing skills. However, the major benefit of this game is that they get familiar with each other and learn different coping strategies.
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At Advanced Health Preference Group, we are committed to delivering compassionate care to individuals so they attain sound mental health. Our mental health experts employ different therapeutic approaches to treat or prevent the common mental health issues of individuals, including anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, etc. Experts offer individual and group therapy sessions that provide tailored solutions for each individual. Moreover, they also utilize different group therapy games for teens so they take more interest and learn other coping skills to deal with their mental health concerns.