Symptom checklist: Do I have OCD?
Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a common mental illness that disrupts standard thought patterns and behaviors. The recurring thoughts and fears lead to compulsive behaviors. Moreover, OCD can affect any individual and disrupt everyday life functioning. However, if you suspect that you are suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder, then with the help of the following OCD symptom checklist, you can identify whether you are dealing with OCD or not.
Common Symptoms of OCD
The most common symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder are as follows:
1. Obsessions
Obsessions are recurrent undesired thoughts and images that appear in the mind and affect the stability of emotions. They can cause a person to feel stressed and have difficulty functioning or living an everyday life.
2. Compulsions
Compulsions are the repeated actions or behaviors of individuals suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder. They think that by doing this, they can get rid of their anxiety and find relief. However, they only get temporary relief, and as soon they stop doing that activity, their mind delves into intrusive thoughts and perceptions.
3. Obsessive thoughts
Each suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder experiences obsessive thoughts that interfere with normal functioning. For example, they feel they have not locked the door or left the stove open. Likewise, multiple violent thoughts or images also appear in their mind, and they remain stressed. Moreover, these thoughts negatively affect their everyday thoughts and resulting behavior. The most common obsessions are as follows:
- Fear of getting harmed or harming others
- Fear of contamination from any toxic agent or drug
- Fear or leaving something on the stove and placing the house on fire
4. Compulsive behaviour
Individuals with obsessions urge to perform compulsive behavior to deal with their anxious thoughts. They feel satisfied with their behavior; however, in reality, they are just directing their mind to get busy for a limited period to overcome the anxiety.
For example, if they fear getting contaminated, they repeatedly wash their hands until they feel clean or hygienic. Other most common compulsive behaviors include:
- Checking the doors or locks multiple times
- Checking the stove or gas sources
- Placing the things in a specific order over and over again
- Hoarding
- Counting
- Repeated occurrence of certain words in the head
Checklist of Common OCD Symptoms
Obsessions about Dirt and Contamination
- Abnormal concerns about sticky things
- Extreme fear of getting a chronic infection
- Extreme fear of getting exposed to environmental contaminants
- Disgusting feelings about the body’s secretions
- Obsessive thoughts about one’s body
Obsessions related to Order & Symmetry
- Repeated urge to place things in order
- Extra concern for making the environment clean or for self-hygienic conditions
Obsessions with Food & Weight Measurements
- Strange rituals about food intake( desire to keep every single bite short and clean)
- Unusual thoughts about a particular food and its taste or texture
- Preoccupation with food measurements
- Extra concern about body weight
Obsessions Related to Aggression
- Occurrence of violent images or thoughts in mind
- Fear of harming others with a knife or anything dangerous or sharp
- Repeated occurrence of violent thoughts or images in mind
Obsessions related to Sexual things
- Repeated occurrence of undesired sexual thoughts in mind that are usually not acceptable
- Fear or abusing someone without any desire
- Fear of acquiring homosexual characteristics
Obsession about Hoarding
- Gathering old and useless items such as Newspapers
- Fear of losing anything valuable
Obsessions related to Checking
- Checking certain things over and over gain
- Checking the mistakes during any activity
- Repeated analysis of body secretions
Obsessions related to Superstitious things
- It is a weird belief that some numbers are lucky while some are unlucky
- Making a ritual to take a shower
Obsessions related to Repetitive rituals
- Repeating phrases or questions in discussion
- Repeating the usual daily activities
- Making corrections and rewriting
Obsessions Related to Religion
- Extra concern about morality
- Blasphemous thoughts
Treatment of OCD
Obsessive-compulsive disorder can be treated with the help of medications and psychotherapy.
Specialized medications which the experts recommend to deal with the symptoms of OCD are as follows:
- Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor
- Selective serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor
Cognitive behavioral therapy
Cognitive behavioral therapy is a type of psychotherapy or talk therapy. With the help of this therapy, individuals can overcome their obsessive thoughts and compulsive behavior. They can get rid of their false belief and thoughts. Cognitive experts can guide individuals on how they can avoid their obsessive thoughts and associated compulsive behavior and live OCD-free lives.
How can Advanced Health Preference Group provide you with professional support?
If you or you know anyone who is struggling with OCD, then you just need professional support. Advanced Health Preference Group provides tailored solutions to treat mental health issues such as OCD. Our experts not only treat the OCD symptoms but also give the OCD symptom checklist that can help you find out whether you are suffering from OCD or not. So don’t look around; contact our experts to obtain mental resilience.
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