How Generalized Anxiety Disorder Affects Relationships
Are you facing some challenges in your romantic relationships? Does your partner take excessive stress? Do your stress and anxiety negatively affect your relationships? If yes then you or your partner might be suffering from Generalized anxiety disorder. GAD is a common mental illness that negatively affects the normal life functioning of individuals. However, if you want to improve your relationships by getting rid of generalized anxiety disorder then read this article. This article will help you to understand what is Generalized anxiety disorder and how it impacts your relationships. Moreover, you will also get a complete insight into how you can overcome the challenges of GAD.
What is Generalized Anxiety disorder?
Generalized anxiety disorder is a complex mental issue in which affected individuals usually remain in persistent stress conditions. They worry a lot over everyday occurrences. Moreover, the individuals do not feel control over their minds and regulate their emotions and thoughts. Due to their fear, they prefer to stay alone and usually avoid interacting with others. In addition, they do not effectively communicate with their partner and their anger outbursts or emotional intensity affect their romantic relationships.
Symptoms of GAD
Generalized anxiety disorder comprises a range of symptoms that can affect the physical as well as the psychological well-being of an individual. Moreover, each also exhibits a different response to the GAD symptoms. Individuals suffering from generalized anxiety disorder exhibit the following symptoms:
- Increased stress levels
- Sense of unconsciousness
- Fatigue or tiredness
- Restlessness behavior
- Irritable behavior
- Muscle tension or stiffness
- Sleep issues
- Intrusive thoughts
Impact of GAD on Romantic Relationships
Romantic relationships are always challenging. Most individuals think that managing their personal or romantic relationships is like a cup of tea. But the fact is entirely different. If any of the partners is not mentally active or stable then it interferes with their relationships. A healthy and positive relationship requires patience, support, and encouragement from partners. Moreover, there should be effective communication between partners or couples so they can share their sorrow and happiness together.
However, individuals suffering from generalized anxiety disorder turn their relationships into toxic ones. They do not listen to each other and therefore face conflict in their relationships. Anxiety can raise questions in your relationship if you do not understand it and make some efforts to solve the issues.
If you or your partner is not aware of the generalized anxiety disorder then the situation can get worse and you can face more negative consequences. Moreover, they also face difficulty in handling their domestic, personal, or professional chores.
But if you have complete knowledge regarding the generalized anxiety disorder and take the early preventive measures then you can strengthen your relationships by showing more deep love and support to your partner.
What are the signs of Relationship Anxiety?
If you are not sure whether it is relationship anxiety or something else then ask some following questions from yourself and then consider your answers to identify the actual mental state.
- Do you feel anxiety when you get close to your partner?
- Do you take excessive stress and prefer to stay single instead of in any relationship?
- Do you fear that your partner is unhappy with you and can leave you?
- Do you feel anxious when your partner is not with you?
- Do you want your partner to give you physical and mental relief?
- Do you often think that your partner is not loyal to you?
If all these questions repeatedly appear in your mind then you are dealing with relationship anxiety. However, fortunately, with the help of effective and reliable treatment options, you can protect your relationship from anxiety, depression, etc.
Anxiety and Co-Dependency in Relationship
Stressed or GAD individuals usually remain dependent on their partners. They want to stay close to their partners and do not want them to go anywhere or leave them. Moreover, they require support and reassurance more often than those who are normal and don’t have any GAD symptoms. Due to their overdependence, they think more, fear more, and make advanced plans for future scenarios. Moreover, this puts extra pressure on their romantic relationships.
Avoidance Behavior in Relationship
It’s not always essential that every individual with GAD gets completely dependent on their partner. In some cases, individuals usually remain detached from their partners and do not feel comfortable coming close to their partners. Moreover, they do not open up about their feelings, emotions, and thoughts and prefer to stay alone and quiet. Due to their cold behavior, they face multiple issues in their relationships and remain at a distance from their loved ones.
Common questions that are raised by Anxiety
If a situation comes where you get to know that your partner is batting with GAD but you do not have any idea of what GAD is and how it can affect your romantic relationship then multiple questions can arise in your mind. Multiple trust issues also occur. Individuals usually ask the following questions from themselves:
- Is he okay? Is he normal?
- Why is my partner not showing normal behavior?
- Will my partner be okay?
- Should I continue my relationship with my partner?
- Should I end my relationship?
- Is my partner dating someone else?
- Should I find a new mate to date?
- Can my partner’s behavior be changed?
- Will this thing get fixed?
What are the common Relationship challenges due to GAD?
If you are suffering from generalized anxiety disorder then don’t think that only your mental health will be affected. Your mood alterations and behavior can also affect your loved ones in different ways:
Financial responsibilities
If one member of a couple is suffering from GAD then anxious symptoms make it difficult to get a good job. In that case, only one person has to bear the entire burden of all financial responsibilities and therefore take stress more than usual. The resulting anger then affects the relationship with the partner
Family activities
Those individuals who are the victims of GAD and also handle domestic responsibilities such as paying bills, buying household items, and managing other related tasks are more susceptible to exhibiting mood swings. Moreover, they feel overwhelmed and when they burn out, it leaves a negative impact on their personal relationships.
Emotional resilience
Due to emotional instability, spouses and partners do not effectively show their love and support and spend most of the time thinking negative things about their relationships. In addition, they feel scared that their partner can leave them or deceive them.
Social life
If your partner is avoiding social engagement then there is a greater possibility that he or she is dealing with anxiety disorder. Moreover, if one person has a fear of social engagement then it will also affect the other and ultimately both can feel isolated.
Reduced interest in sex
Individuals with distress do not feel interested in sexual activity and also experience reduced sex drive. If one partner is not getting pleasure in sexual activity or faces difficulty in getting intimate then it ultimately affects the mental health of the other.
Furthermore, different studies have reported that marital discord or breaking of relationships is more common among those individuals who suffer from anxiety, depression, substance abuse, or any other common mental illness. Likewise, various recent studies have highlighted the GAD as the major mental health disorder as a major cause of marital or relationship issues.
What are the Coping strategies for Couples?
It’s good to take care of your partner but remember that you also deserve the same to live a happier life. So prioritize yourself and start following some things to cope with your GAD symptoms:
Engage in healthy activities
Get some time for yourself and participate in any healthy activity in which you feel more passion and interest. By doing this, you can move yourself away from the stress of daily life and breathe out your stress.
Set boundaries
Set your own limits and tell this to your partner. Whenever you feel that your partner is crossing the limits and disrupting your mental health then discuss this with your partner. After discussion, you and your partner can develop a combined strategy that can work for you, your mental health, and ultimately the relationship.
Healthy lifestyle
By maintaining a healthy lifestyle, you can also prevent the negative effects of anxiety on your romantic relationships. Eat fresh fruits, and vegetables and add healthy and nutrient-rich foods to your diet. Likewise, avoid the use of alcohol, caffeine, and other beverages. Moreover, also make a schedule of your sleep and daily or regular workouts.
Medications and therapy
If the symptoms are severe then you can take the medications after getting recommendations from their experts. However, if there is no need for medication then you can take help from psychotherapy. Experts employ different types of psychotherapy or talk therapy to treat or manage the symptoms of GAD including:
- Cognitive behavioral therapy
- Exposure and Response Prevention Therapy
- Dialectical behavioral therapy
- Acceptance and Commitment therapy
How to develop a Supportive Relationship environment?
When you are in any relationship, remember that you and your partner have to make efforts to communicate well and support your relationship to prevent any issues. Always keep this thing in your mind that there will be multiple challenges and you have to face them together.
If you are in a toxic relationship and want to overcome your relationship issues then there are some positive and productive strategies that are helpful in developing a strong relationship environment.
Encourage your partner
If you ever feel that your partner is anxious and unable to concentrate on essential life activities then show your support and encouraging behavior. Instead of simply talking about the anxiety, sit with your partner and tell him that you are not alone and I’m here for your emotional and each kind of support that you need at this time.
Open communication
Always try to be completely open during conversations with your partner. Do not hide your thoughts or emotions and speak your heart out in front of your partner. Whatever you feel or what kind of mental or physical issue you are facing, your partner should be completely aware of it. In this way, both of you can sit together and develop a positive and productive strategy.
Provide physical support
There are a lot of people who feel comfortable in physical touch. So first find out the triggers of your partner that can switch on their happiness and pleasure. You can hug your partner and give a kiss to show your love and give a soothing effect by the physical touch.
Overcome the memory issues
Individuals with GAD also have multiple memory issues and face difficulty in remembering things. You can help them with reminders and reassurances so they never forget the most important things and manage their relationship in a better way.
Consistent support
Do not think that if you provide support to your partner just once then it is sufficient. Remember that if you want to see the optimal results then you have to be consistent in your efforts towards your relationship.
Accompany your partner in therapy
If you think that alone you can not help your partner then you can also get the professional help. Mental health professionals offer different group therapy sessions that can help in overcoming GAD and other mental issues. So do not leave your partner alone in group therapy. By engaging in group therapy, you can also learn different coping strategies that can help you and your partner prevent the negative effects of GAD.
Seek the Professional help!
At the Advanced Health Preference Group, we are concerned about your mental health. If you and any loved one or partner are battling with any mental issue such as GAD, depression, etc then we can help you in this regard. Our mental health professionals have deep knowledge of each mental illness and associated treatment so they develop personalized treatment plans by considering the mental health of each individual. If you are facing any relationship issues then you can communicate with our experts to get the best solutions to resolve your marital issues which are due to mental instability. We also offer telehealth services so each individual can get mental health treatment by surpassing all physical constraints.
So take a step to start your journey of mental wellness or empowerment. Schedule a consultation with our experts today and step towards a brighter future.