Bipolar disorder In Teens: Symptoms, Causes And Treatment
Bipolar disorder is a common mental illness that is marked by emotional intensity. It can affect any individual, including children, adolescents, and adults. However, teenagers are more susceptible to suffering from bipolar disorder. If you are the parent of a teenager who is battling with any mental illness but you are not sure whether your adolescent is bipolar or not, then read this article thoroughly.
What is Bipolar disorder in teens?
Mood swings in the teenage years are pretty normal. However, if the symptoms are more than the mood swings, then there is a greater probability of bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder is a common mental illness that involves undesired and unexpected shifts in mood and energy levels. If they feel happy, they get sad at other times. Bipolar disorder comprises two different episodes, which are as follows:
1. Manic episode
During this phase of bipolar disorder, individuals feel extremely happy, passionate, and energetic.
2. Depressive episode
As the name indicates, this phase involves sadness and a low mood. Moreover, the teenager also experiences reduced energy and isn’t motivated to do anything.
3. Mixed episode
If both manic and depressive episodes occur at the same time, then it is referred to as the mixed episode.
What are the signs of Bipolar disorder in teens?
There is diversity in the symptoms of bipolar disorder as each teenager responds differently. Moreover, for both manic and depressive episodes, symptoms are also different, which are as follows:
1. Symptoms of a manic episode
- High energy levels
- Extreme sense of happiness
- Talkative behavior
- Not able to sit quite
2. Symptoms of depressive episode
- Persistent sadness
- Decreased energy levels
- Feelings of loneliness
- Social isolation
- Self-harming or suicidal thoughts
3. Other common symptoms of bipolar disorder which are common in both phases include:
- Changes in appetite
- Disturbance in the sleep-wake cycle
What are the types of bipolar disorder?
The following are the major types of bipolar disorder:
1. Bipolar disorder I
This type of bipolar disorder involves the manic episode. The identification of bipolar disorder does not require the depression symptoms. However, the diagnosis of this phase involves at least one stage of mania.
2. Bipolar disorder II
Bipolar disorder involves hypomanic episodes, which are less intense as compared to manic episodes. Moreover, this type also consists of the occurrence of depressive episodes.
What are the causes of Bipolar disorder?
The exact or single cause of bipolar disorder is not known. However, some major causes of bipolar disorder are as follows:
1. Genetic factors
Genes play a major role in the onset of bipolar disorder. These teenagers who have a previous family history of bipolar disorder are more likely to suffer from bipolar disorder in their teenage. Moreover, the presence of genes in parents and siblings also increases the likelihood of bipolar disorder in individuals.
2. Biological changes
Different biological changes can also cause the onset of bipolar disorder in teens. Different brain scans have reported that during bipolar disorder, the shape and size of certain brain areas change. Moreover, there is also an alteration in the level of neurotransmitters that can contribute to the development of bipolar disorder in teenagers.
3. Environmental stress factors
Other than internal factors, different external factors can cause the onset of bipolar disorder in teenagers. Some major external risk factors include:
- Personal loss
- Financial loss
- Brain injury
- Trauma
Bipolar test for teens
Different common questions that are asked of teenagers to identify bipolar disorder in teen are as follows:
- Do you think that you exhibit more talkative behavior?
- How often do you feel overenergetic?
- Do you exhibit irritable behavior?
- How often do you feel unfortunate and low?
- Do you face difficulty in paying attention?
- Do you feel much interest in sex?
- How often do you exhibit anger with high intensity?
- Do you prefer the social isolation?
- Do you feel no hope in your life?
- Do you get easily distracted by any external stimuli?
What is the treatment of bipolar disorder in teens?
The treatment of bipolar disorder involves the combination of medications and psychotherapy to assist individuals in recovering from bipolar disorder.
1. Medications
Medications are used to manage the symptoms of bipolar disorder. They don’t provide complete relief but can reduce the severity of symptoms of bipolar disorder. Experts recommend mood stabilizers and antidepressants for the treatment of bipolar disorder in teenagers.
2. Psychotherapy
With the help of psychology, teenagers can identify and change negative thought patterns. Some common types of psychotherapy involve cognitive behavioral therapy, dialectical behavioral therapy, and interpersonal therapy.
3. Lifestyle changes
By making some positive lifestyle changes, teenagers can also recover from the symptoms of bipolar disorder. A healthy diet, proper sleep-wake cycle, and daily exercise are the best ways to remain secure from bipolar disorder.
Find Professional mental health support at Advanced Health Prefernce Group!
At Advanced Health Preference Group, you can find the most effective and reliable treatment for all common mental health issues, including bipolar disorder. We employ cutting-edge therapeutic techniques that assist individuals in getting relief from bipolar disorder. Our mental health experts are specialized in the treatment of bipolar disorder and utilize the finest psychotherapies. So, if you are the one who is suffering from bipolar disorder or know any teenager having bipolar disorder symptoms, then this place is the best destination for you. Don’t wait anymore, and immediately reach out to our mental health platform to get rid of bipolar disorder.