A Complete Guide About Mood Disorder And Personality Disorder
Multiple common mental health issues such as mood disorders and personality disorders can affect the quality of life. The differentiation between these two mental issues is difficult sometimes due to the overlapping of their symptoms. Moreover, this can confuse the diagnosis of the actual mental state of the individual. So other than experts, individuals should also have a clear understanding regarding each aspect of both mood disorder and personality disorder. After reading this article, you will understand the major differences between mood and personality disorders.
Mood disorders And Personality disorders
Mood disorders and personality disorders are mental health issues that have multiple negative impacts on mental health. Although both types affect thoughts, emotions, perceptions, and behavior, there are still some major differences between them.
1. What are Mood disorders?
Mood disorder is a mental illness that specifically disturbs emotional stability and ultimately affects behavior. Different anxious thoughts occur in an individual’s mind, ultimately affecting their normal life functioning.
2. What are Personality disorders?
Personality disorders primarily affect the personality as their major effect is observed on the behavior along with the cognitive impairments. Due to the effect of personality disorder, individuals are unable to develop bonds with their loved ones. Individuals grappling with personality disorders have different patterns of thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and behavior.
However, these patterns are not specific as they exhibit differences for each different type of personality disorder. Such individuals usually repeat their behavioral patterns with others such as mental confusion and volatile behavior. Moreover, those individuals who have been the victims of any tragic incident in their childhood are more susceptible to personality disorders.
What are the major types of Mood disorders?
There are different types of mood disorders but the major and most common ones are as follows:
1. Major depressive disorder
Major depressive disorder is also called clinical depression. Depressed individuals do not have control over their thoughts and they remain lost in their anxious or depressive thoughts. Moreover, their prolonged phase of sadness makes it difficult for them to pass the entire day.
2. Persistent depressive disorder
This type of depression persists for a longer period. However, the symptoms are less severe as compared to other types of depression. This involves consistently low mood, sadness, and reduced energy levels.
3. Seasonal affective disorder
Seasonal affective disorder involves the onset of depression symptoms in a specific season of the year. You might have noticed in your surroundings that most people get sad during winter. However, when the spring or summer starts, they feel quite happy and energetic. So for most people, their mood is linked with seasons.
4. Bipolar disorder
Bipolar disorder is a major type of depressive disorder that involves fluctuations in mood. This mental disorder involves two different episodes which are called manic and depressive episodes. During manic, the person feels extreme happiness, excitement, and high energy levels. However, during the depressive episodes, the person feels down and has low energy levels. In some cases, both episodes occur at the same time which is called a mixed episode.
5. Dysthymia
Dysthymia is also another type of depression that is not severe as compared to other types. However, the symptoms last for a longer period.
What are the main types of Personality disorders?
The following are the main types of personality disorders:
1. Borderline personality disorder
A borderline personality disorder is characterized by hyperactive and impulsive behavior. Affected individuals face difficulty in regulating their emotions and it ultimately affects their behavior with others.
2. Narcissistic personality disorder
In narcissistic personality disorder, individuals have a certain belief that they are better than others and they retain all capabilities so others should praise them. They always desire special treatment from others.
3. Antisocial personality disorder
As the name indicates, antisocial personality disorder involves extreme social withdrawal. Individuals also think that they can get harm from others as different intrusive thoughts occur in their minds.
4. Histrionic personality disorder
Individuals with this type of personality disorder exhibit strong emotions and they always want to grab the attention of others towards them.
Related post:
Mood Disorders: Types, Symptoms & Treatment
Major differences between Mood disorders and Personality disorders
Although there are major differences between mood disorders and personality disorders, the major ones are as follows:
1. Duration & stability
Mood disorders involve two different episodes of mood with varied emotions and their intensity such as in bipolar disorder. At one time, the affected individual feels extremely high energy with intensity in emotions while at the other time, the person feels depressed and low energy. These two episodes are referred to as the mania and the depression. However, personality disorders do not involve episodes while they exhibit enduring behavioral patterns. Moreover, the inner mental state or experience gets into a stabilized position with time.
2. Negative impact on functioning
Cognitive functioning is negatively affected by both mood disorders and personality disorders. However, the extent of cognitive impairment is different in both disorders. Due to the symptoms of mood disorders, individuals face difficulty in regulating their emotions and exhibit negative changes in their behavior such as anger outbursts. However, individuals with personality disorders are unable to maintain their relationships in their personal and professional lives.
3. Patterns of Symptoms
In both mental disorders, the pattern of symptoms is extremely different. As mood disorders involve emotional highs and lows, personality disorders also involve the occurrence of mood swings but they are mostly not obvious and not considered as the symptom. However, due to the effect of mood swings, behavior is affected and negatively affects interpersonal relationships.
4. Diagnosis of Symptoms
Based on the diagnosis of symptoms, experts can differentiate between mood disorder and personality disorder. For example, mood swings are common in both bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder but their intensity is different in both disorders. Moreover, there is variation in the length as well as the frequency of the mood swings. In bipolar disorder, mood swings are more frequent as well as rapid. In addition, the duration of symptoms of both manic and depressive episodes is also greater as they last for several days or months. However, if the proper treatment is provided on time then individuals can easily recover from the symptoms of bipolar disorder.
5. Trigger of symptoms
The presence of personality disorder in individuals can trigger the onset of the symptoms of mood disorder. However, mood disorders can not lead to the development of personality disorder. The personality disorder majorly develops in childhood stages as the child’s personality is formed at an early age. As the age of the child progresses, they are more susceptible to the onset of mood disorders such as depression and bipolar disorder.
6. Rate of prevalence
The rate of occurrence of mood disorders is greater as compared to personality disorders. Most adolescents and adults suffer from clinical depression and bipolar disorder at any phase of their life. On the other hand, less than 1 in 10 adults are affected by personality disorder as compared to mood disorder.
7. Differences in treatment
In terms of response to treatment, both mood disorders and personality disorders are also different. Individuals suffering from mood disorders exhibit more positive and rapid responses towards the medications and psychotherapy while for personality disorders, long-term psychotherapy is more significant and reaps better results. Therefore each individual should be familiar with each aspect of both mental illnesses to get timely professional mental health assistance.
Different psychiatric medications are recommended by the experts to manage the symptoms of mood disorders which include selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors as well and mood stabilizers. Mood stabilizers are specifically recommended for the treatment of bipolar disorder. However, for personality disorders, there is no usage of medications. However, if the person is suffering from any other co-occurring mental illness such as anxiety or depression then experts recommend medications such as anti-anxiety medications, antidepressants as well as mood stabilizers. But before the intake of each medication, individuals should take the expert recommendation to prevent any side effects.
8. Intensity of Emotional dysregulation
Emotional dysregulation is common in both mental issues as affected individuals have to struggle in handling their emotions and essential life functions. Individuals suffering from major depressive disorder experience a persistent phase of sadness and low mood. They do not feel comfortable in the presence of others and therefore avoid social engagement. Instead of interacting with others, they prefer to spend their time on their hobbies or some pleasurable activities.
However, with antisocial personality disorder, individuals exhibit more violent behavior as they panic and are rude instantly. Whenever they feel insulting or humiliating behavior, they speak in front of that person and show aggressive behavior. In both mental disorders, individuals experience distress and undesirable fluctuations in the intensity of emotions that make their lives difficult.
9. Overlapping of symptoms
Both mood disorders and personality disorders share some common overlapping symptoms which are as follows:
- Lack of interest in enjoyable activities
- Reduced passion
- Low confidence and self-esteem
- Anger issues
- Irritable behavior
- Interpersonal conflicts
How can Advanced Health Preference Group provide professional support?
If you or your loved one is struggling with mood disorder and personality disorder then you are at the best platform. At Advanced Health Preference Group, you can find the top professional and skilled mental health experts who provide the finest treatment or support to get rid of common mental issues including mood disorders and personality disorders. Moreover, they can also guide you regarding the difference between mood disorder and personality disorder. Our experts employ different evidence-based therapies to deliver the best and most reliable mental health outcomes. So what are you looking for? Reach out to our platform for the best mental health support and empower your mind to live a happier life.