A Guide to CBT Techniques for Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Generalized anxiety disorder is a common and complex mental illness that is characterized by persistent stress or worry that makes the life of individuals difficult. Any individual can suffer from generalized anxiety disorder and face difficulties in different areas of life. Fortunately, Generalized anxiety disorder is treatable, and cognitive behavioral therapy is considered the best option for the treatment. However, if you want to know more about the CBT techniques for generalized anxiety disorder then read this article. After reading this comprehensive guide, you will understand each different type of cognitive behavioral therapy that helps in managing the symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder. So let’s start!
Understanding the Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Generalized anxiety disorder is a type of anxiety disorder that involves the prolonged phase of excessive and uncontrollable stress or worry about daily life activities. Individuals do not have complete control over their thoughts and emotions, think they are worthless, and can not achieve anything. They take stress even on little things, most of the time without apparent reason.
Moreover, individuals suffering from generalized anxiety disorder also face difficulty in maintaining their relationships with their loved ones. Overall, it affects the quality of life to a great extent. Any individual can suffer from Generalized anxiety disorder including children, adolescents as well as adults. If the GAD is not treated during the early stages then it can persist to adulthood stages and also exhibit high relapse rates.
Symptoms of GAD
There is a range of GAD symptoms that can affect the mental stability of each individual. Moreover, each individual also responds differently to the symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder. The most common psychological and physical symptoms of GAD are as follows:
Psychological symptoms
- Prolonged phase of stress
- Fear of future
- Anxiousness
- Nervousness
- Irritable behavior
- Sleep issues
Physical symptoms
- Fatigue or tiredness
- Increased blood pressure
- Elevated cardiac rate
- Elevated respiratory rate
- Muscle tension
All the symptoms of GAD can be effectively managed with different treatment options including psychotherapy, medication, or both. Experts recommend a treatment plan based on the mental condition of the individual.
Cognitive behavioral therapy for GAD
Cognitive behavioral therapy is a type of psychotherapy or talk therapy and a most effective therapeutic approach that is used to treat each type of anxiety including generalized anxiety disorder. The main goal of cognitive behavioral therapy is to identify the undesired and negative thought patterns and then change them so individuals regain mental stability. Moreover, this also alters the negative behavior that is linked with thoughts and emotions.
Mental health professionals conduct different sessions of cognitive behavioral therapy in which they completely evaluate the mental condition and then develop tailored treatment plans for each individual. Experts always make sure to develop a serene, non-judgmental, and friendly environment where each shares all mental health issues or concerns without any fear. Experts perform physical and psychological evaluations to diagnose the mental condition.
Experts also determine the factors that trigger their stressful thoughts and fears and guide the individuals that how they can reframe their thought patterns and construct more positive ways of thinking. Other than trigger analysis, experts also teach individuals different coping strategies or stress management techniques that can assist them individuals to manage the symptoms of GAD and getting rid of the stress, especially in real-life situations. So with the help of cognitive behavioural therapy, individuals learn to take over their minds and thoughts and exhibit positive behavior.
Effectiveness of CBT for GAD
Cognitive behavioral therapy is considered to be a highly effective treatment for Generalized anxiety disorder. Multiple studies have reported the positive results of cognitive behavioral therapy for reducing GAD symptoms including persistent worry, fear, avoidance behavior, sense of worthlessness, and associated physical symptoms.
There is strong research-based evidence that clearly explains the effectiveness of CBT for generalized anxiety disorder. Moreover, it is also indicated that CBT performs well as compared to medications and traditional therapy. In addition, cognitive behavioral therapy also results the reduced relapse. With the help of cognitive behavioral therapy, individuals experience lasting relief from the GAD symptoms.
Exceptional CBT Techniques and Interventions for GAD
The number of sessions of cognitive behavioral therapy is 10 to 20 sessions. However, the number of sessions can be reduced based on the improvement of mental condition. As in most of the cases, individuals reported positive changes in their mental health after the 10 CBT sessions. Moreover, there are multiple core CBT techniques and interventions for GAD which are as follows:
Cognitive Restructuring
Cognitive restructuring is also referred to as cognitive reframing. This is the most commonly employed CBT technique that involves the identification of negative or irrational thought patterns and then altering them accordingly. Individuals dealing with generalized anxiety disorder have catastrophic thoughts that disrupt their minds and overall quality of life. However, with the help of cognitive restructuring, individuals learn to replace them or reconstruct positive and healthy ones. Individuals prepare their minds to deal with their intrusive thoughts such as:
Instead of saying’’ Today, I’m late and I’m not prepared for the meeting and my boss will fire me’’. Say this to yourself’’ I have handled multiple scenarios like this before. If any undesired situation occurs then it will not affect my job and I ’’ ‘ll manage to secure my job.
Simply repeat the positive phrases in your mind instead of negative ones so your brain gets adapted to it and you start focusing on positive thoughts instead of the negative ones.
Relaxation training
Relaxation training is the best way to deal with muscle tension which is most common in those individuals who take a lot of stress. It is quite common for those individuals who take stress more than usual to experience muscle stiffness in different regions of the body. Their muscle tension can impair their body functions and also increase their stress or anxiety levels. Therefore the responsibility of the experts is to teach the individual to first relax the muscles of the body which in turn also relaxes their mind.
There are multiple relaxation techniques or stress management techniques such as:
Progressive muscle relaxation
Progressive muscle relaxation is a non-pharmaceutical technique that can diminish stress or anxiety. This relaxation technique is highly beneficial for the treatment of Generalized anxiety disorder. This technique involves the relaxation of each group of muscles of the body in a specific order. When individuals regularly perform muscle relaxation techniques, they develop a strong and positive connection of their mind and body. With the help of these CBT techniques, individuals not only relax their body muscles but also learn the differences between the tensed and relaxed muscles. This awareness helps them to prevent such conditions in the future.
Deep breathing exercises
Deep breathing is also named as the relaxation breathing. It is also an essential component of cognitive behavioral therapy. When the person suffers from generalized anxiety disorder, then multiple symptoms affect the mental state and also elevate the stress or anxiety. Individuals face difficulty or sometimes feel panic due to their increased blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing rate. In the deep breathing exercise, individuals are asked to focus on their breathing. They are asked to take slow and progressive breaths from the diaphragm instead of shallow breaths from the chest. By doing this, individuals feel mentally calm and relaxed. If the individuals repeat this exercise daily, then they can diminish their stress or anxiety levels.
Behavioral experiments
Behavioral experiments are also considered one of the best CBT techniques. They help test anxious predictions as well as collect evidence that is ideal to challenge negative thoughts that are challenging in real-life situations. The process of behavioral experiments comprises the following steps:
- Identify the beliefs or ideas that are negative
- Construct alternative and more realistic predictions
- Develop an experiment in a real-world setting to test your belief
- Complete the experiment and then gather data
- Analyze the collected results and develop an original belief
Multiple behavioral experiments are useful for the treatment of different types of anxiety disorders such as:
Panic disorder: Participate in any physical activity to challenge your physical strength and overcome your fear of physical sensation
Social anxiety disorder: Attend any social setting and overcome your social phobia
Performance anxiety: Speak in front of others to prevent your fear and develop confidence
Mindfulness training
Mindfulness training is also an important and highly useful CBT technique to treat generalized anxiety disorder. With the help of this CBT technique, individuals learn to stay and focus on the present moment instead of thinking about the past or future. Individuals battling with the GAD take more stress and remain lost in their thoughts which are mostly related to their future.
This therapy helps them to develop a positive and strong relationship with their anxious states. Moreover, they also accept their negative thoughts instead of taking stress over them. Instead of directing their mind into the fear of the future, they make efforts to develop the skills that help them to stay relaxed in the present moments. So, mindfulness techniques are considered ideal for promoting a sense of well-being and improving the quality of life.
Systematic exposure
Exposure and Response Prevention Therapy
Exposure therapy is also a common and significant CBT technique that helps individuals face their fears, regain their lost confidence, and increase their self-esteem. Individuals battling with generalized anxiety disorder usually exhibit avoidance behavior. They avoid the people, objects, situations, or places that they think can trigger their anxiety or panic attacks.
Experts develop a controlled and structured environment where each faces their fear and learns to develop resistance in showing the response. They ask the individuals to first make a list of their fears to start their process. They start with less fearful and challenging scenarios and then progressively move toward the more challenging scenarios. In initial settings, individuals face difficulty in controlling their response but with time, they learn to control themselves and exhibit reduced avoidance behaviors. Moreover, they also develop more confidence to face every situation that happens in the future. Other than GAD, exposure and response prevention therapy is also useful for the treatment of other mental issues including panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, and other types of anxiety disorder and depression, etc.
Practical CBT Interventions for GAD
Problem-solving training
Problem-solving training is a CBT technique that helps individuals to identify, analyze, and then resolve the problem. GAD individuals usually remain overwhelmed with their daily stressors and face complications in managing their daily life activities or solving their daily life problems. With the help of problem-solving training, they learn the skills to first identify the common issues and then resolve them accordingly. They employ different practical strategies to overcome their daily stressors. So if you face any complexity in your daily life, you can get ease after getting the problem-solving training.
Psychoeducation is a common therapeutic intervention that provides education and support to individuals suffering from common mental issues including GAD. There are numerous benefits of psychoeducation as it helps individuals to start thinking that they are not alone. Some other individuals are facing this challenge in the form of mental issues. Moreover, psychoeducation also gives them the motivation that it is just a mental illness and they can defeat that with the help of effective treatment options. Furthermore, individuals also get aware of why they should take the early intervention and the importance of CBT techniques for the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder.
Mental spotlight
This technique involves directing the attention away from the stress towards any other activity that helps them get relief from the stress. However, it’s quite difficult as the brain has to work more hard to avoid the stress signals and think about other things. But if you repeat this technique on a regular basis then you can eradicate your stress and spend your precious time thinking about the most important tasks.
Worry history outcome
If the person is taking the continued stress then it does not mean the person is not capable of doing anything or has a previous history of achievements. So instead of just worrying over your problems, recall your previous achievements. With this technique, you will start paying attention to developing and implementing positive strategies to get relief from stress or anxiety.
Positive data log
A positive data log is just like journaling as you write your positive thoughts on a daily basis. When you list down your all positive thoughts every single day, you will start developing the mindset that you have done positive things in your life. Moreover, a positive data log is ideal for reframing the thought patterns and the resulting behavior.
Worry free zone
The worry-free zone is not always a place or person as it can be any activity or a specific time period. Get some time and spend that with yourself. You can select any time of your day based on your ease. You can enjoy your time early morning with a cup of tea or bedtime. Moreover, you can also perform any strenuous activity or go out to a gym, walk, or any other exercise.
Positive outcome imagery
Hope is always essential for each individual battling with any mental illness. No matter what you are facing in your life, always develop positive outcomes in your mind instead of putting stress over catastrophic thought patterns. If you think positively then you will work hard to do positive things in your life and ultimately, you will get positive results.
Self-monitoring techniques
Self-monitoring techniques are used to self-evaluate and then determine multiple factors that help in overcoming mental illness. Individuals ask different questions themselves such as:
- What triggers their stress or anxiety?
- What do they feel during the elevated stress levels?
With the help of these questions, individuals can early identify their disturbed mental state and get treatment.
Combing CBT with other approaches
Although Cognitive behavioral therapy alone provides the desired results, most individuals also benefit from the combined therapy in which they utilize the combined approach that comprises:
Medications are specialized drugs that are used to manage the symptoms of mental health disorders. They specifically target the neurotransmitters in the brain and regulate brain activity. Different types of medications are recommended by the experts which include:
- Antidepressants
- Antipsychotics
- Mood stabilizers
- Stimulants
- Depressants
Positive changes in lifestyle
You can also improve the quality of your life by making some positive changes in your lifestyle. Focus on the following things and live a healthier life:
- Complete diet
- Sufficient sleep
- Regular workout
Make a schedule for how you can create balance in your life and get rid of the symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder.
Alternative therapies
Some other alternative treatment options include:
- Animal therapy
- Music therapy
- Art therapy
Professional help for Generalized Anxiety Disorder
At Advanced Health Preference Group, we understand the impact of generalized anxiety disorder on your life. Therefore we have a skilled team of mental health professionals who provide customized treatment plans that work for each individual. Our comprehensive mental health services are renowned for treating generalized anxiety disorder and all other common mental health issues. Our experts utilize cognitive behavioral therapy that helps in overcoming each mental illness including GAD. Moreover, we offer both in-person and telehealth treatment options so that each can experience mental wellness. So don’t wait anymore and schedule a consultation with our experts to treat your GAD today.